connect //连接数据库服务器(mysql_connect) 、
query //执行查询(mysql_query)、
rows //取得结果集的总数(mysql_num_rows)、
insertId //取得上一步INSERT操作产生的ID(mysql_insert_id)、
fetchArray //从结果集中作为数组取得一行(mysql_fetch_array)、
getOne //获取一条记录、
affectedRows //前一次操作所影响的记录行数(mysql_affected_rows)、
begin、rollback、commit //事务启动、回滚、提交
error、errno //错误信息。
<?php include('mysql.class.php'); $db = new mysql('localhost:3307','upall','pwd','testDb'); $rs = $db->getOne("SELECT `id` FROM `member` WHERE `user` = 'upall' LIMIT 1"); if (!empty($rs['id'])){ echo '登录成功'; }else{ echo '用户名或密码错误'; } ?>
<?php include('mysql.class.php'); $db = new mysql('localhost:3307','upall','pwd','testDb'); $sql = "SELECT * FROM `member`"; $query = $db->query($sql); $rows = $db->rows($query); while ($rs = $db->fetchArray($query)){ echo $rs['user'] . '<br />'; } echo "共 $rows 条记录"; ?>
<?php include('mysql.class.php'); $db = new mysql('localhost:3307','upall','pwd','testDb'); $db->begin(); // 启动事务 $sqlReduction = "UPDATE `account` SET `money` = `money` - 10000 WHERE `id` = 1 LIMIT 1 FOR UPDATE"; $queryReduction = $db->query($sqlReduction); if ($db->error()){ $db->rollback(); // 回滚事务 echo '扣钱时出错啦~'; }else{ $sqlIncrease = "UPDATE `account` SET `money` = `money` + 10000 WHERE `id` = 2 LIMIT 1"; $queryIncrease = $db->query($sqlReduction); if ($db->error()){ $db->rollback(); // 回滚事务 echo '加钱时出错啦~'; }else{ $db->commit();// 提交事务 echo '转款成功啦。'; } } ?>
<form action="?add"> <!-- 属性“name”与表字段对应 --> <label>标题:<input type="text" name="title" /></label> <label>作者:<input type="text" name="author" /></label> <label>内容:<input type="text" name="content" /></label> <button type="submit">添加</button> </form> <?php if (isset($_GET['add'])){ include('mysql.class.php'); $db = new mysql('localhost:3307','upall','pwd','testDb'); $rs = $db->insert('news_info'); //news_info是表名,自动处理POST if (TRUE == $rs){ //错会直接抛出异常 echo '录入成功'; } } ?>
<?php // 这里可以参考上文中的getOne() $rs = .... ?> <form action="?save"> <!-- 属性“name”与表字段对应 --> <label>标题:<input type="text" name="title" value="<?php echo $rs['title'];?>" /></label> <label>作者:<input type="text" name="author" value="<?php echo $rs['author'];?>" /></label> <label>内容:<input type="text" name="content" value="<?php echo $rs['content'];?>" /></label> <input type="hidden" name="id" value="<?php echo $rs['id'];?>" /> <button type="submit">添加</button> </form> <?php if (isset($_GET['save'])){ include('mysql.class.php'); $db = new mysql('localhost:3307','upall','pwd','testDb'); $id = (int)$_POST['id']; $rs = $db->update($id,'news_info'); // 更新id为$id的记录,news_info是表名,自动处理POST if (TRUE == $rs){ //错会直接抛出异常 echo '更新成功'; } } ?>
mysql.class.php.tar.gz (为什么此附件的地址不能分享给朋友们下载?)
<?php /** * 说明:MySQL数据库连接类 * 时间:13:04 2011年7月28日 星期四 * $host = 服务器地址(“$host”或“$host:PORT”) * $name = 用户名 * $pwd = 密码 * $db = 数据库 * ---------------------------------- * 用法: * $dbHost = 'localhost:3307' * $dbUser = 'root' * $dbPwd = 'upall' * $dbName = 'mysql' * $db = new mysql($dbHost, $dbUser, $dbPwd, $dbName); // 实例后直接连接数据库 * $sql = "SELECT * FROM user WHERE User LIKE '%upall%'"; * $query = $db->query($sql); // 执行查询 * while ($rs = $db->fetchArray($query)){ * echo $rs['User'] . '<br />'; * } */ class mysql{ public $host = 'localhost:3306'; public $user = 'upall'; public $pwd = ''; public $db = 'mysql'; public $charset = 'utf8'; // 注意:mysql中不是utf-8,没有减号 public $linkId; public $sql = ''; function __construct($host = '', $user = '', $pwd = '', $db = '', $charset = ''){ empty($host) ? '' : $this->host = $host; empty($user) ? '' : $this->user = $user; empty($pwd) ? '' : $this->pwd = $pwd; empty($db) ? '' : $this->db = $db; empty($charset) ? '' : $this->charset = $charset; $this->connect(); } // 打开一个到 MySQL 服务器的连接 function connect(){ $this->linkId = @mysql_connect($this->host,$this->user,$this->pwd); if ($this->linkId) { $this->selectDb($this->db); mysql_query("SET NAMES $this->charset"); }else{ $this->error('无法连接数据库服务器',__LINE__); return FALSE; } } function selectDb($dbName){ if (!empty($this->error)) return FALSE; $rs = @mysql_select_db($this->db, $this->linkId); if (!$rs){ $this->error('选定数据库失败',__LINE__); return FALSE; } } // 发送一条 MySQL 查询 function query($sql){ $this->sql = $sql; $result = @mysql_query($sql, $this->linkId); $mysqlError = mysql_error(); if (!empty($mysqlError)){ $mysqlError .= '<br />(SQL: ' . $sql . ')'; $this->error($mysqlError,__LINE__); } return $result; } // 取得结果集的总数 function rows($query){ $rows = @mysql_num_rows($query); $mysqlError = mysql_error(); if (!empty($mysqlError)) $this->error($mysqlError,__LINE__); return $rows; } // 取得上一步 INSERT 操作产生的 ID function insertId(){ $insertId = @mysql_insert_id($this->linkId); $mysqlError = mysql_error(); if (!empty($mysqlError)) $this->error($mysqlError,__LINE__); return $insertId; } // 从结果集中取得一行 function fetchArray($query){ $result = @mysql_fetch_array($query); $mysqlError = mysql_error(); if (!empty($mysqlError)) $this->error($mysqlError,__LINE__); return $result; } // 获取一条记录 function getOne($sql){ return $this->fetchArray($this->query($sql)); } // 前一次操作所影响的记录行数 function affectedRows(){ $aRows = @mysql_affected_rows(); $mysqlError = mysql_error(); if (!empty($mysqlError)) $this->error($mysqlError,__LINE__); return $aRows; } // 自动事务开关 function autocommit($bool){ if (TRUE === $bool){ mysql_query("SET AUTOCOMMIT=1"); }elseif(FALSE === $bool){ mysql_query("SET AUTOCOMMIT=0"); } } // 错误信息 function error($msg = '',$line = 0){ if (empty($msg)) return FALSE; try{ throw new Exception($msg); } catch(Exception $e){ //echo '<br />Message: ' .$e->getMessage(); #$file = $e->getFile(); #$file = pathinfo($file); #$file = $file['basename']; echo '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" ""><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><div style="margin:10% auto 0;border:dotted 1px #F90;background-color:#F5DE38;width:400px;padding:20px;color:#C00;"><strong>错误: </strong>数据库读取出错 <strong>Line: </strong>' . $line . '<br /><strong>详细: </strong>' .$msg. '<div style="text-align:right;">管理员: <a href="" target="_blank" title="">upall™</a></div></div>'; exit; } } // 错误号 function errno(){ return mysql_errno(); } // 开始事务 function begin(){ $this->query('START TRANSACTION'); } // 回滚事务 function rollback(){ $this->query('ROLLBACK'); } // 提交事务 function commit(){ $this->query('COMMIT'); } // 自动添加 function insert($tableName){ global $_POST; // 处理接收到的数据 if (isset($_POST)){ foreach ($_POST as $k => $v){ ${$k} = escapeData($v); } }else{ $this->error('错误(不允许添加空数据)',__LINE__); return FALSE; } // 生成包含数据的SQL $dataDb = $this->db; $this->db = 'information_schema'; $this->selectDb($this->db); $sql = "SELECT COLUMN_NAME AS col FROM `COLUMNS` where table_name = '$tableName' AND COLUMN_NAME <> 'id'"; $query = $this->query($sql); $rows = $this->rows($query); if (0 == $rows) { $this->error('不能添加数据(数据表中没有字段)'); return FALSE; } $colArrayCol[0] = '`id`'; $colArrayValue[0] = 'NULL'; $index = 1; while($result = $this->fetchArray($query)){ $tempVarName = ${$result['col']}; if (!empty($tempVarName)){// 不更新无值的字段 $colArrayCol[$index] = '`' . $result['col'] . '`'; // 表字段集 $colArrayValue[$index] = '\'' . ${$result['col']} . '\''; // 表字段对应的数据集 } $index++; } $sql = ''; $sql .= "INSERT INTO `$tableName` ("; $sql .= implode(', ',$colArrayCol); $sql .= ') VALUES ('; $sql .= implode(', ',$colArrayValue); $sql .= ')'; // 执行插入 $this->db = $dataDb; $this->selectDb($this->db); $rs = $this->query($sql); return TRUE; } // 自动更新 function update($id, $tableName){ global $_POST; // 判断记录是否存在 $existSql = "SELECT id FROM `$tableName` WHERE id = '$id' LIMIT 1"; $rows = $this->rows($this->query($existSql)); if (0 == $rows) $this->error('错误(您要更新的记录不存在)',__LINE__); // 读取表结构 $dataDb = $this->db; $this->db = 'information_schema'; $this->selectDb($this->db); $sql = "SELECT COLUMN_NAME AS col FROM `COLUMNS` where table_name = '$tableName' AND COLUMN_NAME <> 'id'"; $query = $this->query($sql); $rows = $this->rows($query); if (0 == $rows) { $this->error('不能添加数据(数据表中没有字段)',__LINE__); return FALSE; } // 生成SQL $colSqlArray = array(); while ($colRs = $this->fetchArray($query)){ foreach ($_POST as $k => $v){ if ($k == $colRs['col']){ // 如果有需要更新的字段…… $col = $colRs['col']; $v = escapeData($v); $colSqlArray[] = "`$col` = '$v'"; // ……则生成相应的SQL break; } } } if (empty($colSqlArray)){ $this->error('没有获取到需要更新的数据',__LINE__); // POST传进了0个需要更新的字段 } $sql = ''; $sql .= "UPDATE `$tableName` SET "; $sql .= implode(', ',$colSqlArray); $sql .= " WHERE `id` = '$id' LIMIT 1 ;"; // 执行更新 $this->db = $dataDb; $this->selectDb($this->db); $rs = $this->query($sql); return TRUE; } } ?>