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记录 Laravel 的 SQL 记录

2022/05/7 浏览数(568) 分类:Laravel, 前端 记录 Laravel 的 SQL 记录已关闭评论
# app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php
public function boot()
    DB::listen(function ($query) {
        $location = collect(debug_backtrace())->filter(function ($trace) {
            return !str_contains($trace['file'], 'vendor/');
        })->first(); // grab the first element of non vendor/ calls

        $bindings = implode(", ", $query->bindings); // format the bindings as string

            Sql: $query->sql
            Bindings: $bindings
            Time: $query->time
            File: ${location['file']}
            Line: ${location['line']}
[2022-02-03 02:20:14] local.INFO:
Sql: select "title", "slug", "body" from "posts" where "published" = ? order by "id" desc   
Bindings: 1
Time: 0.18
File: /home/cosme/Documents/projects/cosme.dev/app/Models/Post.php
Line: 61

via: https://learnku.com/laravel/t/65164

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