见 js/bookSettings.js:
flippingBook.pages = [ "pages/page-001.jpeg", "pages/page-002.jpeg", "pages/page-003.jpeg", "pages/page-004.jpeg", "pages/page-005.jpeg", "pages/page-006.jpeg", "pages/page-007.jpeg", "pages/page-008.jpeg", "pages/page-009.jpeg", "pages/page-010.jpeg", "pages/page-011.jpeg", "pages/page-012.jpeg", "pages/page-013.jpeg", "pages/page-014.jpeg", "pages/page-015.jpeg" ]; flippingBook.contents = [ [ "封面", 1 ], [ "第一章:现代", 4 ] ]; // define custom book settings here flippingBook.settings.bookWidth = 826; flippingBook.settings.bookHeight = 584; flippingBook.settings.pageBackgroundColor = 0x5b7414; flippingBook.settings.backgroundColor = 0x83a51c; flippingBook.settings.zoomUIColor = 0x919d6c; flippingBook.settings.useCustomCursors = false; flippingBook.settings.dropShadowEnabled = false, flippingBook.settings.zoomImageWidth = 992; flippingBook.settings.zoomImageHeight = 1403; flippingBook.settings.downloadURL = "/kitchen_gorenje_2008.pdf"; flippingBook.settings.flipSound = "sounds/02.mp3"; flippingBook.settings.flipCornerStyle = "first page only"; flippingBook.settings.zoomHintEnabled = true; flippingBook.settings.zoomPath: "pages/large/"; // 更多配置见:/js/flippingbook.js // default settings can be found in the flippingbook.js file flippingBook.create();
Parameters Description
The book parameters include: Paths to page files Contents settings Book interface and application settings All the parameters are specified in the bookSettings.js file. The default values for each parameter are set in the flippingBook.js file. If you need to create several one-type books, common parameters can be set in the flippingBook.js file and specific ones (e.g. page files) in the book- Settings.js file. pages Defines the list of paths to the page files. It doesn' have a default value (pages list differs for different books). It is configured in the bookSettings.js file. flippingBook.pages = [ "pages/page-001.jpeg", "pages/page-002.jpeg", ]; contents Defines the table of contents structure. It doesn' have a default value (pages list differs for different books). It is configured in the bookSettings.js file. flippingBook.contents = [ [ "Cover", 1 ], [ "Modern", 4 ], [ "Familiar", 34 ], [ "Classic", 58 ] ]; stageWidth Defines the width of the book background area. Default value specified in the flippingBook file is: 100%. The default value can be redinfined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.stageWidth = "90%"; stageHeight Defines the height of the book background area. Default value specified in the flippingBook file is: 100%. The default value can be redinfined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.stageHeight = "90%"; bookWidth Defines the book width in pixels. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 640 pixels. The default value can be redinfined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.bookWidth = 900; bookHeight Defines the book height in pixels. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 640 pixels. The default value can be redinfined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.bookHeight= 600; scaleContent Defines the page content scaling method. If the parameter is set to true (default) the loaded files will be automatically scaled to the page size. If the parameter is set to false the page content will be clipped to the page borders. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): true The default value can be redinfined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.scaleContent = false; centerContent Defines the page content centering method. If the parameter is set to true (default) the loaded files will be automatically centered within the page boundaries. If the parameter is set to false then the page content will be placed at the top left page corner. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): true The default value can be redinfined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.centerContent = false; preserveProportions Defines the page content scaling rules. If the parameter is set to true (default) the loaded files will be scaled with keeping original content proportions. If the parameter is set to false then the page content scaled without respect to the original proportions. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): true The default value can be redinfined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.preserveProportions = false; hardcover Turns the book hardcover on / off . Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): false The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.hardcover = true; hardcoverThickness Defines the thickness of a rigid book page in pixels. Pages look more realistic for users. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 3 The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.hardcoverThickness = 4; hardcoverEdgeColor Defines the color of a rigid page's edge. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 0xFFFFFF The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.hardcoverEdgeColor = 0xDDDDDD; highlightHardcover Turns on/off 3D lightning for rigid page flipping. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): true The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.highlightHardcover = false; frameWidth Defines the width of the book frame in pixels. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 0 (no frame) The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.frameWidth = 10; frameColor Defines the color of the book frame. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 0xFFFFFF The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.frameColor = 0xDDDDDD; frameAlpha Defines the transparency of the book frame. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 100 The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.frameAlpha = 50; firstPageNumber This is the number of the book page open by default. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 1 The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.firstPageNumber = 2; autoFlipSize This is the size (in pixels) of the click-sensitive area at the page corners that allow page flipping. This parameter value defines the length of the sensitive square at the page corner. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 50 The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.autoFlipSize = 100; navigationFlipOffset Defines the curvature of page flipping when using navigation functions (next page, previous page, table of contents). Higher values result in more curved page motion. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 30 The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.navigationFlipOffset = 0; flipOnClick Defines the page flipping method. Turned on (true): you can drag pages by click-and-drag and flip pages by corner click-release. Turned off (false): you can drag pages by corner clickand- drag and flip pages by corner click-release. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): true The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.flipOnClick = false; handOverCorner Defines the style of the mouse pointer over page corners. Setting this parameter to true turns the pointer to the finger when dragging mouse over page corner. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): true The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.handOverCorner = false; handOverPage Defines the style of the mouse pointer over page area (excepting corners). Setting this parameter to true turns the pointer to the finger when dragging mouse over page. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): true The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.handOverPage = false; alwaysOpened Defines the behavior of the first and last pages of the book. If true, the first and last pages are bound to the stage, preventing them being flipped by the user. If false the user may flip the first and last pages just like the rest. This parameter is useful when you need a permanently set book width. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): false The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.alwaysOpened = true; staticShadowType Defines the look of the book center shadow. Possible values are: "Asymmetric", "Symmetric", "Default" Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): "Asymmetric" The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.staticShadowType = "Symmetric"; staticShadowDepth Defines the transparency of the book center shadow. Higher values result in more intensive shadow. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 1 The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.staticShadowsDepth = 2; staticShadowsDarkColor Defines the center shadow color Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 0×000000 The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.staticShadowDarkColor = 0xDDDDDD; staticShadowsLightColor Defines the highlight shadow color (this parameter works from the “Symmetric” shadow style only). Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 0xFFFFFF The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.staticShadowLightColor = 0xDDDDDD; dynamicShadowDepth Defines the transparency of page curve shadows. Higher values result in more intensive shadow. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 1 The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.dynamicShadowDepth = 2; dynamicShadowLightColor Defines the shadow highlight color for pages marked as “dark”: page.jpg?dark=true; This allows to enable realistic curve look for black pages. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 0xFFFFFF The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.dynamicShadowLightColor = 0xDDDDDD; dynamicShadowDarkColor Defines the curve shadow color. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 0×000000 The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.dynamicShadowDarkColor = 0xDDDDDD; moveSpeed Page moving speed during normal page flipping (dragging). Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 2 The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.moveSpeed = 3; gotoSpeed The speed of automatic page movement with the gotoPage, flipGotoPage, flipForward and flipBack functions enabled Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 3 The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.gotoSpeed = 5; rigidPageSpeed The speed of a rigid page movement. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 5 The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.rigidPageSpeed = 2; flipSound Page flipping sound effect. You may specify a URL to an external MP3 file or linkage name of the sound symbol in the library. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): "" The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.flipSound = "sounds/02.mp3"; hardcoverSound Flip sound of a rigid page. You may specify a URL to an external MP3 file or linkage name of the sound symbol in the library. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): "" The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.hardcoverSound = "sounds/02.mp3"; preloaderType Defines the look of pages preloader. Possible values are: "Progress Bar", "Round", "Thin", "Dots", "Gradient Wheel", "Gear Wheel", "Line", "Animated Book", "None". Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): "Thin" The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.preloaderType = "Round"; loadOnDemand Page loading mode. When true, pages are loaded as the user flips through the book. When false, all pages are loaded before opening the book. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): true The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.loadOnDemand = false; allowPagesUnload Page unloading mode. When true, far pages are unloaded as the user flips through the book. When false, all loaded pages are stored in memory. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): true The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.allowPagesUnload = false; showUnderlyingPages Allows to show underlying pages. When set to "true", users see one layer of pages through holes in the current pages. Useful for PNG or SWF pages with transparent areas. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): false The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.showUnderlyingPages = true; playOnDemand Works for SWF pages with timeline animation. Defines animation starting mode. Setting this parameter to true allows to start the animation as soon as user flips to the page instead of starting the animation right after page is loaded. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): true The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.playOnDemand = false; playOnDemand Works for SWF pages with timeline animation. Defines animation starting mode. Setting this parameter to true allows to start the animation as soon as user flips to the page instead of starting the animation right after page is loaded. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): true The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.playOnDemand = false; You can set this parameter for each page individually: page.jpg?playOnDemand=true freezeOnFlip Setting this parameter to true turns SWF vector pages into bitmaps for page flipping animation. This allows to speed up flipping animation for heavy vector pages. Also this parameter allows to correctly flip pages with device fonts and adobe UI components. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): false The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.freezeOnFlip = true; You can set this parameter for each page individually: page.jpg?freezeOnFlip=true darkPages Setting this parameter to true turns curve shadow highlighting. In this case black pages will look more realistic when flipping. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): false The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.darkPages = true; You can set this parameter for each page individually: page.jpg?dark=true smoothPages Setting this parameter to true enabled page smoothing for the entire book. This option is useful when original page files are larger then book page size. Note that this option takes additional amount of memory and CPU. So use it in case of need only. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): false The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.smoothPages = true; You can set this parameter for each page individually: page.jpg?smooth=true rigidPages Setting this parameter to true makes all book pages rigid. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): false The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.rigidPages = true; You can set this parameter for each page individually: page.jpg?rigid=true flipCornerStyle Defines page corner automatic flipping style. This option allows to catch users attention right after the bookis loaded. Supported values are: "first page only" - automatically flip corner for the first page only "each page" - automatically flip corner for all pages "manually" - don't flip corner automatically Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): "manually" The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.flipCornerStyle = "first page only"; flipCornerPosition Defines page corner automatic flipping position. Supported values are: "bottom-right", "topright", "bottom-left", "top-left". Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): "bottom-right" The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.flipCornerPosition = "top-left"; flipCornerAmount Defines page corner automatic flipping size. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 50 The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.flipCornerAmount = 20; flipCornerAngle Defines page corner automatic flipping angle. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 20 The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.flipCornerAngle = 30; flipCornerRelease Setting this parameter to false fixes the corner in curved state. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): true The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.flipCornerRelease = false; flipCornerVibrate Setting this parameter to true forces the corner to flip up and down repeatedly. Works if the flipCornerRelease parameter is set to "true". Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): true The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.flipCornerVibrate = false; flipCornerPlaySound Setting this parameter to true forces the book to play flipping sound each time the corner moves. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): false The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.flipCornerPlaySound = true; zoomEnabled Controls the zooming function. When set to "true", zooming is enabled (by double clicking and zoom button). When set to false, zooming is disabled Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): true The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.zoomEnabled = false; zoomPath Defines the path to large pages used for zooming and printing. The files names must be the same for normal and large versions. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): "pages/large" The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.zoomPath = "someFolder/"; zoomImageWidth Defines the width of large page in pixels. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 900 The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.zoomImageWidth = 1000; zoomImageHeight Defines the height of large page in pixels. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 1165 The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.zoomImageHeight = 1000; zoomOnClick Turns zooming on double click on / off. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): true The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.zoomOnClick = false; zoomUIColor Defines the color of the scrollbars used for zooming. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 0x8f9ea6 The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.zoomUIColor = 0xFF0000; zoomHint Defines the caption text of the "Double click for zooming" hint window. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): "Double click for zooming" The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.zoomHint = "Use double click for zooming in / out"; centerBook Setting this parameter to true centers the book within book area. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): true The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.centerBook = false; useCustomCursors Setting this parameter to true enables custom mouse pointer for dragging and zooming. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): true The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.useCustomCursors = false; dropShadowEnabled Setting this parameter to true enables drop shadow around the book. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): true The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.dropShadowEnabled = false; dropShadowHideWhenFlipping Setting this parameter to true forces the book drop shadow to hide when flipping pages. This allows to save CPU resources and speed up page flipping animation. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): true The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.dropShadowHideWhenFlipping = false; backgroundColor Defines the color of application background. Users see this color while the background image is loading. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): 0xFFFFFF The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.backgroundColor = 0x83a51c; backgroundImage Defines the path to the application background image. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): "img/bookBackground.jpg" The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.backgroundImage = "img/bg.jpg"; backgroundImagePlacement Defines the position of the application background image. Supported values are: "top left", "center", "fit". Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): "fit" The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.backgroundImagePlacement = "center"; backgroundImagePlacement Controls the printing function. When set to "true", printing is enabled. When set to false, printing is disabled. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): true The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.printEnabled = false; printTitle Defines the caption text of the print window. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): "Print pages" The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.printTitle = "Any text"; downloadURL Defines the URL of the offline version (PDF file for example). Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): "pages" The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.downloadURL = "www.flippingbook.com/new-demos/03- kitchen-gorenje-2008/kitchen_gorenje_2008.pdf"; downloadTitle Defines the caption text of the download window. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): "Download PDF" The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.downloadTitle = "Download Offline Version"; downloadSize Defines the size caption text of the download window. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): "Size: 4.7 Mb" The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.downloadSize = "Size: 254 Kb"; downloadComplete Defines the "complete" message text of the download window. Default value (specified in the flippingBook.js file): "Complete" The default value can be redefined in the bookSettings.js file: flippingBook.settings.downloadComplete = "Finished";